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Swansea, United Kingdom SA6 6BU
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   Soul & Motown singer


P D Brown An award winning entertainer who has entertained audiences in the UK and all over the world for the past several decades, and the Soul & Motown singer continues to be one of the most in-demand performers today due to his amazing vocal and stage presence, 
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P.D.Brown has performed alongside many outstanding performers including The Drifters, The RealThing, ChubbyChecker ,The Searchers, Bobby Davro, Eddie Large,and many more and has been lucky enough to perform all over the world with Bands traveling to Monte Carlo ,South Africa, Norway, Switzerland, Sweden and has  entertained the troops throughout Europe, his versatility as an entertainer has no bounds.

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Singing the songs his voice was made for Soul & Motown, performing some of the greatest songs of the Motown era The Sounds of Detroit is a show not to be missed. for more information call 07595189098 or click on any picture.
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A true showman & entertainer for any occasion first class sound & lighting, a show to accommodate any size venue a true professional
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Wedding parties, First dance, music to dance the night away to the great  sounds of Motown or maybe you'd like to add a little spice to day
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The very funny and original singing chefs, making meal times fun again, guest participation guaranteed
For all enquiries call 07595189098 or Click any picture
Scan the QR code below and save to your phone contacts for future reference.
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Wedding singer Swansea, wedding entertainer Swansea, pdbrown, Paul Brown, Rock singer Swansea, soul singer Swansea, Motown singer Swansea, birthday singer Swansea, singer for anniversaries, UK singer, UK entertainer,Motown singer,singers, Singer Weddings, Singing Waiters Swansea, Motown singer Cardiff, Wedding singer, Wedding singer Swansea, first dance, party entertainment, wedding bands, wedding groups,

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