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The Parade, Neath SA11 1PY
The Flower Studio Neath
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The Flower Studio Neath

 TEL: 01639 698262  / 07891 756734 


Welcome to The Flower Studio Neath, we have extensive arrangement of flowers to suit everyones taste and our aim is to make you happy, we say it with flowers.The Florist in Neath, the place to get beautiful flowers.


The Flower Studio, Neath



The Flower Shop Neath


Whatever the occasion that you need flowers for, we can help in a professional and curtious manner. Wedding flowers, bouquets or flowers for a loved ones funeral, we are here to help and advise.  The Neath FloristsThThe Neath Floris


A seating area to discuss your arrangements in comfort 

Flower Shop Neath


As well as flowers we also stock gifts, like Nappy Cakes, Sweet Trees, Wedding Gifts.

The Flower Studio Neath,

The Flower Studio Neath,The Flower Studio Neath,


Why not think about a Morning After / Hangover Hampers a must for any Hen Party or Stag night. The Neath Florists.


Flowers Neath

Flower and gifts Neath,


Perhaps its a balloon in a box that you would like to send to someone, or you may want to hire our Pedestal Candleabra, all these and more ideas for the perfect gift on the perfect day at The Neath Florists.(The Flower Studio)


Candleabra Hire SwanseaArtificial flowers Neath


We can also make a bespoke design flower arrangements like a dartboard, aeroplane, teddy bear, pig or something that you want to come up with.



Dart board flowers neath,


          Aeroplane Flowers Neath

                     Teddy Bear

                       Teddy bear flowers Swansea

                               Pig                                                           Pig Flowers Neath,


Opening times are Monday to Saturday 9.15am to 5.15pm

We also deliver on Sunday's and Bank Holiday's and local delivery is free of charge'

We are members of e-florist so we can send your flowers worldwide.




Scan the QR code below and save to your phone contacts.

Flowers Neath and Swansea

Flowers neath, The Flower Studio Neath, Wedding Flowers Swansea, Funeral Flowers Neath, bespoke flowers Neath, Teddy Bears Neath, Bride and Groom Bears Swansea, candleabras Neath, bouquets neath, button holes Neath, Swansea Local, anniversary flowers Neath, flower arrangements Swansea, baby hampers Neath, Hangover hampers Swansea, Stag & Hen Hampers, sweet trees Swansea, Wedding gifts Neath, Nappy cakes Neath, Florists neath, flower studio neath, Swansea Florists, PortTalbot Florists, Neath Florists, Wedding flower Arch Swansea,Bouquets Swansea, PortTalbot Bouquets,flowers Swansea, Flowers PortTalbot,Wedding gifts Swansea,

Flowers Neath,The Flower Studio Neath,

                      Flowers Neath



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